Mustard Seed Yellow

Let’s chat about November’s MMSMP Color of the Month. With faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains! The warm golden tones of this color get their inspiration from the tiniest of sources! Mustard Seed Yellow reminds us of autumnal leaves or your favorite hotdog condiment.


Piece by Haldimand Vintage


Mustard Seed Yellow is available in our new 100% natural, eco-friendly formula.


Mustard Seed Yellow changes color with each finish. So, which one should you apply? To see how this Yellow changes, take a peek at this photo:


Mustard Seed Yellow

Mustard Seed Yellow pairs beautifully with Arabesque and Dried Lavender for a soft feminine look, with Ink Blue for that fun sporty look, or with Lucketts Green and Tangerine for a touch of Retro.


Now, let’s look at a few pieces painted in Mustard Seed Yellow!

Add a Touch of Vintage

Mustard Seed Yellow is a rich warm yellow that can be added to any room. It pairs well with other whites, blues, greens, and wood tones. Buffet by Julie McLellan of Homestead Living.


Or use it with a resist to get this highly distressed vintage look by Wild Sparrow Designs.


Mustard Seed Yellow and Farmhouse

Morgan Adams of Revivals Furniture gave this dresser a fresh finish that could be added to farmhouse inspired room.


Pair bedroom furniture for a darling farmhouse look like Vintage 61 Storehouse.


How about this piece by Melanie Alexander of Lost & Found? It is everything we love about vintage and farmhouse.



Are you getting ideas for your project now? We sure hope so!

Make sure you share your Mustard Seed Yellow creations (and ANY MMS MilkPaint™ projects) with us on social media. Use #MMSMP #MMSMilkPaint #Iheartmilkpaint

You can purchase Mustard Seed Yellow (and all MMSMP products) from your local retailer or from our online store. Find one near you here. Don’t have a retailer in your neighborhood? Many of them sell online! 

Have fun moving mountains in your home with Mustard Seed Yellow!

Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint Team

Miss Mustard Seed’s® Milk Paint is a story about a love of milk paint that is growing with each bag sold, each workshop taught, each piece of furniture that is transformed. It is a story that starts with natural ingredients, when it's mixed with water and the color of the pigments come to life, it becomes our very favorite paint in the world. We hope it becomes your favorite too.

Join us as we Move Mountains with Milk Paint™!

- The Miss Mustard Seed's® Milk Paint Team

Connect with us on social media! @mmsmilkpaint




Farmhouse White