How to Wet-Distress Furniture
Learn how Nicole painted this large cabinet in Typewriter and wet-distressed it with water and MilkOil™.

Choosing Items To Paint VS. Choosing Items To MilkOil™
Kathy Decher of West End Vintage shares her tips on whether you should paint or oil your antique finds.

Antique Steamer Trunk Meets MilkOil™
Kathy of The Upstream Home revives a gorgeous antique steamer trunk using MilkOil™.

How To Prep Slick Surfaces
Learn how to prep super slick and glossy surfaces for a fresh new MilkPaint™ finish!

Say Hello To NEW MilkOil™!
Our new top quality hemp seed oil finish is sustainably sourced, highly refined and more!

Milk Painted Christmas Decorations
Deck your halls and trim your trees with these easy DIY Christmas decorations using Miss Mustard Seed’s® Milk Paint.