DIY Red, White, And Blue Gingham Chargers
Paint gingham chargers with shades of Tricycle and Ink Blue with Elizabeth of Country Peony!

Wooden Caddy Box for Teacher Appreciation
Let Anna of Sky Lark House show you how to transform a wooden tool caddy fit for any gift giving occasion!

Organ Stool Makeover
Get a light wood look without harsh chemicals, and learn how to recover an organ footstool with Cindy of Reinvented Delaware

Our Commitment to the Environment
In celebration of Earth Day, we’re sharing all about how our products are good for you AND the environment!

Painted Mini Charcuterie Boards
Paint your own mini charcuterie boards with Kelly of The Tattered Pew

Creating A Non-Toxic, Child-Safe Nursery With MilkPaint™
MMSMP owner, Brenda Hess, created a non-toxic, child-safe nursery with a soft pastel palette.