How to Wet-Distress Furniture
Learn how Nicole painted this large cabinet in Typewriter and wet-distressed it with water and MilkOil™.

Black Masculine Dresser Makeover with Milk Paint
Learn how Kelly transformed a dresser from Facebook Marketplace for her teenage son using Miss Mustard Seed's® MilkPaint™ in Typewriter.

Table Legs into Candlesticks
Transform table legs into Spring candlesticks using MilkPaint™ with Anna of Sky Lark House

Vintage Record Cabinet In Sunkissed MilkPaint™
Paint a vintage record cabinet in cheery “Sunkissed” with Kathy of The Upstream Home

How To Waterproof And Seal An Outdoor Table With MilkOil™-Outdoor
Kelly of The Tattered Pew shows you how easy it is to waterproof a wooden table to be used outside as a potting bench.